Sunday, March 22, 2009


As most probably knew that I previously owned another blog with my first post dated back in December 2006. It's been on and off for the past two years.

To be frank, I am not the kind of person that writes a journal. The purpose of me owning a blog: I want to keep a record of the ups and downs of my life in university.

Somehow rather, after moving to Cyberjaya, life seems dull compared to the one in Malacca that I don't even bother to update my blog anymore. This is why I only updates rarely to keep it active. Anyhow, only till recently that I decided that perhaps it's time for me to go against nature and make my life in Cyberjaya as exciting as possible. So, I decided to keep my old blog as it is, and start a new one. I shall redefine my life, and with the help of friends and a new addition - car, I believe that it can happen.

It is ironic that I am comparing my attempt to start a fresh new blog to how singers usually induces new styles for every album they make in order to prevent listeners from getting bored of them. For instance, Madonna always came up with new images and she is still doing that although she is now like what, 50? Wow, that's really something.

I am currently having my midterm break for one week so I figure, what better time to start a new blog than now? I guess that's all for a beginning post. Hopefully, you all will be seeing more updates from me here.

Current temperature: 300K which is the room temperature

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