Friday, May 8, 2009

Is Life Fair or Unfair?

In this near final examination period, I just like to think a lot.

The thought as stated in the title of this post just came across my mind out of sudden. Scenarios after scenarios flashed through my thoughts; some are reality while others are fantasy. Imagine, in this world, we have people that leeched on other people, or I coined them as 'Parasites'. These groups of people might or might not exist around us. All they do is just to go around leeching on other people whether on the matter of popularity, intelligence, etc. Reaching to this point, one might questioned, "what's with these people linked to life being fair or unfair?" Imagine again, when a parasite leeched on people's intelligence (copying in tests, quizzes, assignments etc.) and did better than you purely due to greatness in sucking from the host. Is it a fair thing?

Moving on, coming back to reality, the fair and unfairness refers back to me. I am not a rich person, but I kind of get what I wanted rather easily. That's quite true. I am not bragging, but I just find this an appropriate example. In fact, I am contented with what I have. It's just that it caused me to think, "what have I done to deserve this more than other unfortunate people?" Comparing myself with others, we are all the same. Why I get more while some can't even afford to buy themselves proper meal? Is life fair? What saddened me is that there are people whom their lives are way much better than me, yet they want more than they already have.

Somehow, looking at the two scenarios, the former would be unfair if it happen to me while the latter appears to be fair to me. I guessed the question on the fair and unfairness of life depends on which angle we viewed it from. If I am one of the mentioned 'parasites' and no one knows I copy in tests to get such greatness, it might be fair to me? I would like to then question you people, "Are you a parasite?" Sometimes I wondered myself whether I am one or not. LOL!

Questions after questions just keep on generating while I typed this. Help me! :P

Current temperature: Extremely warm; I hate the heat as it came at the wrong timing and it made me think more than usual.

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